Vagina Warriors

The Vagina Warriors are a philanthropic group that raises awareness and funds to end violence against women and children.  The name “Vagina Warriors” comes from Eve Ensler’s The Vagina Monologues and her VDay Campaign.

The Vagina Warriors’ main event for the school year is presenting The Vagina Monologues in February.  All funds raised through the sales of promotional items and tickets to the show go to benefit ACCESS – the Assault Care Center Extending Shelter and Support.  “ACCESS is a harbor for all whom have experienced domestic and sexual violence, providing a safe environment for empowerment and exploration of personal strengths. ACCESS advocates for social change, partnering with other agencies to deliver education and professional training to end domestic and sexual violence.”

The Vagina Warriors also host open mic nights, raise money for the Margaret Sloss Women’s Center, and are beginning a No Makeup Monday campaign (more information soon!).  We support women and encourage growth and empowerment!

If you would like to get involved in the Vagina Warriors, we meet every Monday at 6pm in the Margaret Sloss Women’s Center.  Feel free to email for more information: and

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